Wellness Coach Blog

Get Moving Toward Your Wellness Goals With The Wellness Coach Step Counter

Written by Wellness Coach | April 26, 2021 11:33:24 PM Z

The month of April brings a fun and interactive upgrade to the Wellness Coach app! We are excited to expand on our workplace wellness initiatives, as well as introduce a new feature targeted specifically towards improving the overall physical health of our users.

1, 2, 3… Count Your Steps!

Walking is a simple form of exercise that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. A step-counter is a great way to visualize your current physical activity, as well as motivate you to set and reach specific goals. 

Do you find yourself desk-bound? Do you forget to take breaks during the workday? 

Moving your body and even stepping outside for a brisk walk is an effective way to stay motivated and productive. An additional 3,000 - 4,000 steps add up to about a mile and a half, and in most cases takes less than an hour to complete! This is a great way to mindlessly increase your exercise, especially for employees who find themselves desk-bound for the better part of the day.

This feature is now available for iOS and Android users and will encourage engagement within your team through step challenges, goal setting, and collaborative motivation. The best part is that the steps are automatically counted for you — the only thing you need to do is grab your phone and go! 

To use this feature, make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the Wellness Coach app. Click on your profile and you’ll see the step tracker under “Goals.”

Three Ways You Can Encourage Your Team To Get More Steps In Their Day

Not only will your employees be encouraged to set movement goals and build healthy habits, your company culture will soar as team members participate in group challenges, too. It’s important to put your employees first since they are the key to creating long-term value within your organization. With the step feature, you can encourage your team members to move throughout their day and ensure they’re investing in their personal wellbeing.

  • Turn a weekly Zoom meeting into a walking meeting — Allow everyone to dial into the next team call and ask everyone to listen in and participate (if possible) while on a walk outside!

  • Make it a game — Initiate your next wellness challenge to be focused on walking! You can even incorporate fun prizes or incentives, such as a gift card to a healthy restaurant or a ‘hall of fame’ title for whoever reaches the target number of steps first.

  • Create ‘Step Time’ breaks — This is an easy way to encourage physical activity in 10-minute increments throughout the workday. Each week, assign one team member to be responsible for announcing ‘Step Time’ two random times during the day. Your whole team will be excited, involved, and motivated to participate!

Prioritize Workplace Wellness By Providing 1:1 Private Coaching Sessions To Employees

Our private 1:1 coaching sessions are now available! Our certified wellness coaches are ready to help your employees achieve their wellness goals so they can reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and burnout.

You can purchase a bundle of private coaching sessions for your employees so they easily book a 1:1 session with a real-life coach when they need that extra guidance or support. They also have access to book sessions on their own through their profile with their own payment method.

The 1:1 private coaching sessions are affordable and accessible so employees can connect with one of our certified coaches whenever they need that personalized connection, support, or motivation.

We have a variety of session topics available, including mindfulness coaching, sleep coaching, fitness training, and more.

Browse through our other blog posts to learn more about Wellness Coach, other in-app features, and how our platform is helping teams become better together all around the world.

As always, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and let us know what features you would like to see next on the Wellness Coach app.